Friday, November 29, 2013

Carry your burdens with Grace

I had been wanting to do more art pieces that honor my Wailaki heritage. I had decided to create a series of eight pieces in dedication to my grandfather who had passed away over a year ago. This is the first of that series. The concept for this was thought up when I was in the hospital with my fiancĂ© who has been battling Colon Cancer for almost a year now. We have had to battle this foe on our own and only a few people in our lives had been there for us. Others have all but for lack of a better word, abandoned us. We have carried this for a year and we do it, with faith and grace.
The horse is a representation of 'the carrier of burdens', as they are referred to as, 'beast of burdens'. So with that in mind, I created this piece to remind myself and other that no matter what issues we are going through, we must carry them with grace.

If you wish to purchase any prints of this piece, you can at my deviantart and Society6 websites.

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